“Up then, fair phoenix bride, frustrate the sun;Thyself from thine affectionTakest warmth enough, and from thine eyeAll lesser birds will take their jollity.Up, up, fair bride, and callThy stars from out their several boxes, takeThy rubies, pearls, and diamonds forth, and makeThyself a constellation of them all;And by their blazing signifyThat a great princess falls, but...
Wednesday, 20 February 2013
Sunday, 3 February 2013

Throgg is an amazing miniature. He has a very characterful face, something that draws me to any miniature. I loved the job the 'Eavy Metal team did on the original miniature, but I wanted the skin to be slightly lighter and have a blueish green tint to it. This was the first time i've used the Citadel Wash range and I was very pleased with the subtle changes in hue I was able to...

I bought these miniatures on Saturday morning and could not leave them alone until they were complete on Sunday night. I felt like I was possessed by my paintbrush!"The Dragon Ogres (who i've since called the Lords of Carnage) were a treat to paint. I love painting miniatures with lots of skin on show and these offered ample opportunity to play with highlighting and shading....
Saturday, 2 February 2013

Do you know those miniatures you just can't stop painting? Throgg is an amazing miniature to paint, I just got lost in it and after waking from my painting trance I had this.
Looking at the picture I can see bits and pieces I need to clean up. The skin tones are a little flat and I can work on the cape a little more. I'm still unsure whether yo give the...

Today undoubtably belongs to Chaos and to celebrate I decided to pick up a couple of the new kits to paint up.
First on the shopping list was Throgg The Troll King. The model is a bit of a beast, the pose reminds me a bit of Bender's iconic fist pump in the 80's classic The Breakfast Club. I was a little apprehensive buying this miniature in finecast. My previous experience with this...
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