Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Hello all, I wanted to write a follow up article to the Wet Pallette I did a couple of days ago. When I first started to make palette I didn't understand why my paint didn't sit on the paper like others I had seen online. Upon further research I discovered that finding the right paper within the UK was surprisingly difficult. Every tutorial or forum discussion offered different advise on what paper should be used and how terms like 'parchment paper' translated into the UK market place.  Four suggestions kept cropping up: wax paper, tracing paper, greaseproof paper and baking parchment.

Wax Paper & Tracing Paper. 

I would not recommend using wax paper or tracing paper. Wax paper, as the name suggests, is permeated with a heavy wax coating thus preventing the slight dampness that will keep your paints wet. 

Although I have heard stories of people using tracing paper successfully, I have always found that it breaks apart once I have started watering down the paint on the palette. 

Greaseproof Paper &  Baking Parchment

These two products regularly appear in discussions over which paper should be used to construct a wet palette so I thought I'd put them through their paces. Greaseproof paper can be easily found in all supermarkets and is quite inexpensive. Baking parchment however, I found quite hard to locate; I eventually found this roll in Morrisons. 

The greaseproof paper (above) had one side with an 'oily' sheen to it while the reverse felt un-lacquered. The baking parchment had a sheen to both sides. 

I prepared both sides of the greaseproof paper as described in my earlier article and dabbed on a little paint. 

After a few seconds of rubbing the brush over the paint I found the paper had started to bobble. Bits of the paper were now in the paint and on my paint brush. 

The paper had started to dissolve under the slightest of pressure and minimum wear. The only good thing this paper is good for is cooking. 

Baking parchment however, gave me that wonderful 'ink blotch' effect seen in all the best made wet palettes.

The paper does not break or bobble with use, and has wonderful absorption. 

My recommendation would go to the baking parchment. Although it was a little bit of a hassle to find, you get 8m for just over a pound so you won't be running out anytime soon. 

If you have any suggestions, advice on where to buy parchment paper or you have had any experience using a wet palette please leave a comment and I will amend the article. Thank you



  1. Thanks, I used greaseproof shiny side up and was wondering why it didn't work. Then went to Morrisons and bought parchment before reading the packaging and it was lined with foil (DAMN!)

    UK wise you can get Parchment from Dunelm Mill. there's a little one near me and it was hard to find it on the shelves but it's there.

    Since making my wet palette I won't go back. It makes painting consistency so much better.

  2. Hi You can get the parchment in The Range stores (baking section) or you can try the palette paper for your wet palette.
