"Let history mark my words well, for I care nothing about who sits proud on the Throne of Terra when the last day dawns. Horus is a fine commander, but that’s the limit of my admiration for that arrogant, preening bastard. I joined his rebellion because I can tolerate him easier than...
Monday, 27 January 2014
Sunday, 26 January 2014

I'm begging for more likes but this time I wanted to offer you something really special. Once this page hits 1500 "Likes" I will be giving away one converted & painted (if a model already exists from Forgeworld's catalogue I will be painting that for you) Primarch miniature to one lucky winner.What do you have to do?Like this pageLike this PhotoShare this Photo That's it! A random winner...
Friday, 17 January 2014

Bloodwrack Medusa - The Siren of Pavona
Margesse, a minor settlement North of Pavona was sacked by the Druchii Brigands of Despair, who themselves were put to the sword by the traveling army of Robuto Del Mare. The former settlement has not been re founded, plagued as they are with a brood of creatures unleashed by the corsair band. Most prominent amongst these horrors is the...
Sunday, 12 January 2014

"Now we become Death, and the Destroyer of Worlds."
This is the second Typhus / Typhon that I have painted. The first, the 41st millenuim version can be found here. Like the first, I worked this model up from a white base coat shading with colours rather than black (a technique popular with our continental...
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