Friday, 5 February 2016

What can be said of 2015? I think when I look back it will bring a smile. It's been a positive year. The painting studio has grown from the year before and looks to grow again in 2016. But writing up a finical report of the year would be a little dry, so how can I sum this year up personally? 

2015 is the year I became embroiled in the Heresy. After Forgeworld's weekender I knew I had to collect a legion force, and that could only be the IXth. If you are attending this year's Weekender let me know and we'll grab a beer or a game (hopefully both). The army has come together slowly but I feel it will be in a playable state come February. The command squad (pictured in this artivle) are around 75% complete and I have some major reinforcements in the form of a sicaran, contempt or and assault marines inbound. 

Professionally I've managed to do some things I aspired to when I first became a commission painter. I've worked on a brand new line of miniatures (maelstroms edge), created box art for MDP, held painting classes for the basic use of air bushes and painting as well as produced a video tutorial. So what's next for 2016? More of the same. I want to flesh out the tutorial section of this blog site, create even more armies to showcase here and keep offering the same level of customer service. I also ant to work on a few pieces that will be for competitions  although I'm not a come prion painter, it's always fun to enter something when you attend shows. 

I feel that I will be painting a lot more marble next year. I'm getting quite good at it now thanks to all the practice. These models are a kit bash from scibor, forgeworld and the sanguinary guard kit. I used vallejo's air gold paints shaded with inks. 

To every one of my readers, and to those who have supported me this past year with comments, buying models or commissioning me I want to give a heartfelt thank you. Cheers! 

Paints used: Vallejo, Reaper Master Series, Games Workshop Washes, Com Art Medea Airbrush Airbrush: Iwata Hi-Line HP-CH Airbrush Paint Brushes: Rosemary & Co. Raphael 8040, Broken Toad Brushes, Windsor and Newton Series 7


  1. I love your work and as always these are looking great.
    I'm also glad you've got into the Heresy, it's good fun!
    Just a quick question though; are those shields FW or GW? if they are third party will they be legal in GW hosted events? Don't want you being disappointed on the day that's all

  2. They are scibor models and in fw/gw hosted events they will not be allowed but having a game at fw they will be allowed

  3. I love this project! Every post you make is so full of thought and deliberation, it is truly a joy to read! Please update it whenever you can, I check into your blog every day just in case you have! Also is there any way we could get an army shot soon?

  4. Wow. Astonishing work here. Will you make a tutorial hownyou achieved this marble madness effect?
