This miniature is a commission piece for a client who wished to create a more dynamic Skaven Warlock. The original is based on the 6th edition Skaven army book front cover, which in turn inspired a Golden Daemon winning miniature. The model is a blend of GW parts, Greenstuff and the excellent infamy miniature's Sherlock Homes.
It became evident early on...
Monday, 19 November 2012
Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Since I use this wonderful little tool nearly everyday, I thought it would behoove me learn more about the paintbrush. Above is a break down of how the paint brush is constructed. For most modern brushes, the hairs are held in place with glue whereas the traditional method is to hold them with wax. You should never use hot water to clean your brushes; the heat melts the glue / wax, and splays...
Monday, 5 November 2012

This miniature has been painted up as a tester for a Pre Heresy force. The red is a zenithal highlight with chipping effect. Unlike my previous Blood Angel force I've used TMM to achieve a realistic look.
I'm still in the planning stages with my Heresy force. There isn't much information about the marks of armour the Blood Angels wore, organizational markings, fetishes...
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