Monday, 24 December 2012

"You are like a son and together we have all but conquered the galaxy. Now the time has come for me to retire to Terra. My work as a soldier is done and now passes to you for I have great tasks to perform in my earthly sanctum. I name you Warmaster and from this day forth all of my armies and generals shall take orders from you as if the words cam from mine own mouth. But words of caution...

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Subjugator. Annihilator. The End of Empire. The Eye of the Emperor. Horus Lupercal, Primarch of the XVI Legionaes Astartes.  The model started life some time ago, inspired by Damien Thevenin's Horus Lupercal conversion. I loved the conversion so much I decided to try it, putting my own spin on him. The Horus above is the end result and has been created on behalf of...

Sunday, 16 December 2012

It's been a while since my last update but there are lots of treats coming up in the near future. This is the second Hellbrute I have painted from the Dark Vengeance set (here is the first). I wanted more contrast between the armour and skin this time, so I painted the fleshy parts in a more natural, aggravated fashion. Painted with oils and acrylic. If you like the miniature...