Monday, 28 January 2013

The Hounds of Ch'Ihll (shades)These pathetic beasts, mockingly referred to as ‘the toothless wolves’, are the house retainers of the Ch'Ihll household in Naggarond. Upon entry to the service of the Ch'ihll's the enslaved elves are made into eunuchs and given a copper plate medallion, as was the tradition in the courts of old Nagarythe. The retainers duties include the upkeep of the Black estate,...

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

With the torrential blizzards sweeping the nation, what else is there to do but stay inside...and make snow bases! I've troubled myself for years trying to come up with the perfect snow recipe, never quite achieving my desired effect. I'd gather examples from other painters, pictures and I even put my courage to the test and made a snow man. I came to the realisation that snow is just hard, fluffy...

Monday, 14 January 2013

New year, new toys - I'm still figuring out how to get the best pictures from my new camera. The above are my very frustrating results to produce a decent shot. Dark Vengeance Ravenwing bikers painted for a commission. Models are awesome to paint and I decided to use super duper glowy effects people love to see. I painted these miniatures with mute, neutral tones to reflect their mode of...

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Hailing from one of the most affluent Dynasties in Naggaroth Cynath is one of the many illegitimate children sired by the Gorgon Queen and, until his disgrace, enjoyed every nightmarish depravity his name entitled him too. His father- sire remains a mystery even to the most gifted of intelligencers within the first city. Whether it be beast, mortal, or daemon, Cynath is burdened...