Saturday, 28 June 2014

"Man is not an animal. We are not a part of the animal kingdom. We sit far above that crown, perched as spirits, not beasts. I have unlocked and discovered a secret to living in these bodies that we hold. Talk to me of your problems and Father will take away your pain." Looped radio message broadcast over the public vox net Argellean VXIII [Under Inquisitorial investigation] This...

Sunday, 15 June 2014

From the 16th to the 26th of June 2014 I will be away on Holidays in Brazil. This means updates will be infrequent but if you need to reach me you can private message me on this page or email me at: But until then enjoy the football - or if you can't stand the stuff enjoy your hobby! Myl...

Friday, 13 June 2014

"Where there is no vision, the people perish." Proverbs of Old Earth +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This is my second take on the glorious warmaster. This time I have painted his robe red to emulate the Forge World job. I muted the contrast on the armour ever so slightly and I painted the wolf pelt brown before working on the greys.  I've written a full article on...

Friday, 6 June 2014

Varrus Corxeion Blade Master of the 3rd Millennial, Emperor's Children Purified. The Purified were an order established at the very start of the Legion's creation that attempted to create a system of excellence with the nascent legion. Unknowingly mirroring their gene father's Legacy for excellence in all things the Purified admitted only those gifted with martial superiority...

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

20x Executioners of Blood Briar Vineyard. The vineyards of Har Ganeth produce a black grape that in turn makes intensely sweet wine and when drunk, has hallucinatory properties. Since the earliest days of Elven settlement in Naggaroth vineyards have been kept and maintained to feed nobles with this peculiarity. Since The Sundering the treatment of the vines has suffered as...