Tuesday, 13 September 2011

The Emperor Tarot

The Emanation of the Giant

Appollyon's banner image is inspired by the Artwork of William Blake, and the Emperor Tarot Card. I believe the exact image I copied from was from the poem Jerusalem.

If you haven't seen any of William Blake's work, please open another web browser and look right now. They are nightmarish and beautiful and haunting and I'm sure will inspire someone reading this. There are many hunched, tormented figures in Jerusalm, crouching down, often naked, covering their countenance from the viewer. I wanted to translate the sense of shame to the figure of the Emperor of the Tarot as an allegorical representation of the Unforgiven's penance. I have also given the emperor a broken sword; something for all those Jungian & Freudian students out there. 

Then I set the entire thing on fire! As much as I'd like to say I used blessed promethium to burn the banner, the reality is far more mundane; I used matches in controlled bursts to achieve a satisfying result. I think I may have gone a little over board with the matches, and on reflection, the image I chose to paint was too complicated. I needed a clearer, simple banner to burn the crap out of. Lucky I took a photo beforehand to show my intention.



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