Wednesday, 29 July 2015

"Tell them ruin has come to their world. Death, despair and red war...Tell them their hopes and pride have come to nothing. Tell them their empty whispers fall upon deaf ears - their gods are dead, human reason has killed them. Tell them the Angels of Death have come. Tell them nothing can save them now." — Attr. Perturabo, Primarch of the Iron Warriors Legion Paints...

Monday, 27 July 2015

On collecting Legion Blood Angels I like typing up a design brief before I start each project. This mission brie helps me refine my initial inspiration for the project, allowing me to review it over the years and stay on track. Here are my design notes for Legion Blood Angels.  1) No Saltires. “The Death Company is arrayed in black armour upon which are painted red saltires,...

Friday, 24 July 2015

My first bust from Infamy's excellent range of miniatures. I wanted to riff the mad hatter vibe so I bought playing cards from eBy with these amazing images on. And I burnt them.  I wanted a darker vibe with this miniature so I used the notes written by Grant Morrison in the back of Arkham Asylum concerning the Mad Hatter. I painted the irises...

Thursday, 23 July 2015

These models were part of the Kislev war band that was released through the Fanatic magazine. A rare treat of a commission for a wonderful set of miniatures.  Paints used: Vallejo, Reaper Master Series, Games Workshop Washes, Com Art Medea Airbrush Airbrush: Iwata CR Plus High Line Paint Brushes: Rosemary & Co. Raphael 8040,...

Monday, 20 July 2015

Post 3: The Economics of Empire Scrolling through the Forgeworld website and adding stuff to the cart is one of my internet sins (although not the worst if you talk to my web browser…).  I’ll just add a Sicaran to the order, and a contemptor - every legion needs a contemptor and I must order a few arms for him so I can magentise them and swap them around game to game…and maybe a legion...

Sunday, 19 July 2015

A Collection of Horus Heresy characters I have painted. The character series offers the opportunity to refine some techniques. The Alpha Legion armour was particularly difficult to produce a strong contrast with metallic paints and washes.  Abaddon and Loken still remain one of my favourite pieces prodcued by Forge World and seeing Sevetar in model form is an absolute treat. Roll on...

Thursday, 16 July 2015

He is handsome, in a plain way. He is handsome the way a regent on an old coin is handsome, like a good sword is handsome. He is not handsome like a ritual weapon, the way Fulgrim is. He is not angelic, like Sanguinius... There is a dutiful line to his jaw, like his good brother Dorn. They share a nobility. There is the great strength of Ferrus and...

Friday, 10 July 2015

Collecting a Heresy Blood Angel force proves a problem as the imagery we know of this Legion is deeply entrenched in the 41st millennium. Death Company, Sanguinary priests, Chaplains, Black and red Saltires - all hallmarks of post Heresy Blood Angels. We know very little on how the Legion was organised, how it deployed, fought or looked during the Great Crusade. ‘Fear to Tread’ offers few details...